We Have a Responsibility to the Dream
I understand how hard it is.
I know what it feels like to wish for things that did not come,
to work for things that did not happen,
and pray for something that slips by just beyond your grasp.
I understand how quickly a heart grows weary by surviving on wishes alone
but I also know this:
there has been a gift in it all.
Under every crestfallen moment
and rug swept out from under my feet,
for every disappointment
and shooting star that burned away into the darkness,
there has been a reason why.
Just as I am responsible for pinning the dream to the dream board,
for following through with a phone call;
laying the extra brush stroke
or accepting the first kiss
I am equally responsible for taking the risk to dream again, and again.
Because our actions are born from dreams
and our life is born from actions.
I want to know that I dared to live a life rich with both.
-Jamie Homeister