We Are Here

Where are we?
Well, we're right here, don't you see?
We are always with you.

Oh, we know, it's trite to say that we are found in the crackling leaves of autumn, or offering comfort on the winds of a warm summers breeze.

You already know that it is we who conspire the discovery of all those beautiful heart-shaped stones;
that you can catch our scent in air thick with magnolia and pine.

You've heard all these things before but yet still you wonder, 'Where are we?' so we thought it better that you reconsider your question by asking instead, 'Why do you choose to show yourselves in this way?' To which we would joyfully reply, 'What an excellent question! How clever you are to ask it!'

When you are walking under a canopy of trees that suddenly dance as you pass by, it is because we are giving you a round of applause. Linger for a moment. Take a bow! Lord knows you deserve it.

And on those days when you're lost in your mind, looking for hope or direction,
we lay before you a trail of hearts to show you that true happiness can only be found by following what you love.

When a gust of wind can be a hug, and a scent can give you pause,
we don't see how any other method to communicate could be so rich with experience and emotion.

Where are we?
We are standing beside you.
We are looking where you look,
touching what you touch,
and listening to every word you're not saying.

We are doing everything we can to react with you and your surroundings to remind you that we are here, we exist, and we have never left you.

Perhaps now the question no longer becomes, 'where are we?' but instead, 'where are you?"

-Jamie Homeister
Spirit Channel
March 22nd, 2:33am

Jamie HomeisterComment
Your Heart is Not the Fool

One of the greatest obstacles of human growth is the separation between heart and self, an illusion that can trap a soul for lifetimes. We force the heart to receive something it doesn't want to. To beat faster than it's ready for. To quiet down as we bury innocence and childhood dreams while denying our true love-yourself-stories.
And for what? Why?
Your heart is not the fool!
It is not blind!
It is the thunder of your chest.
It is the birthplace of every breath.
Soul growth begins the moment you realize that you are not separate from your heart. That it is not an obstacle to overcome, but a beacon guiding you home.

-Jamie Homeister

It's Okay

Hey, it's okay.
It's all going to be okay.
I know you're going through this really big thing right now and I know it's making you feel like you have to pick a side. It's the classic 'hope vs. logic' game, but don't let others fool you into thinking that your choice is wrong.

Sometimes we will go with our heart
and sometimes we will lead with our mind.
And you know what? That's perfect.
You know why?
Because you're the one who's making the choice.

Do you know more people are willing to speak out on behalf of a stranger then they are for themselves? Crazy, right?
Don't be afraid.
Before you commit, ask yourself does it feel right? And, does it feel truthful?
Don't focus on the tomorrows truth or yesterdays truth. Be with yourself in this very moment and ask yourself these two questions. As long as you can answer one, go with it. Both will lead to successes and failures. Both with lead to challenges and opportunities. You're strong enough, experienced enough, and capable enough to handle what comes after. It's all going to be okay.

Chin up, magnificent one.
-Jamie Homeister

Conversations in Consciousness: Symptoms of the Souls Distress

“Caress your heart. There are many things ongoing in your soul right now that are not in sync with a greater cause, rather just rumblings of old confusions and experiences that are making noise. Can you discern which is which?

Repetition: Seeing/thinking/feeling things in repetition often has greater meaning. There is a reason in synchronicity.

Gnawing: The gnawing feeling that comes with hard memories can feel like it's eating you from within. This is a form of degeneration. The energy of those incidents will need to be removed by allowing what happened to be brought to light. Speaking things aloud doesn't mean that further action has to be taken—sometimes all you need is for it to cross your lips to remove its power.

Substance: Things of substance are asking you to grow. You'll recognize these thoughts and memories because they've already been processed. You can name the fault line and see clearly how each party stepped over the line, yourself included. Go back to the 'Repetition' and try to see if there are similarities between what happened then and what's happening now. Your answer lies therein.

Decay: When you're in a state of decay, you'll know it. Nothing feels good. Nothing feels truthful. Nothing feels right. Sadness and illness abounds. This is when you absolutely must seek the help of new perspectives, truth, or healing. It is completely reversible.

Truth: Where there is truth there is rising. You can always ascend from truth, especially the hardest ones. Don't ignore it.

Suppression: Suppression leads to distraction. When you suppress too much, you become easily overwhelmed and distracted by everything, everywhere. There is no clarity within you because you've buried everything away. How can you find whats truthful if your floor is covered by dirty laundry?

If you feel yourself experiencing one of these psychological cues or coping methods, call it out by its name. Say, "I am in a state of 'repetition', and I acknowledge there's more to be seen here. Show me." Or, "I am in a state of 'decay', and this has no purpose for my soul. I need help." By sorting in this manner, you'll lessen the number of cues that have no merit and rise in the ones which will elevate your understanding of who you are.

Truth is multifaceted, whereas distraction only brings you down. You cannot remove the distractions permanently. All you can do is re-train yourself to hold less attention to those distractions and allow less value to the memories to be assigned. Truth does not always have to be painful – in fact – when standing in the moment full truth you'll feel more empowered than ever because you see the deeper reasoning.”

-Jamie Homeister
Spirit Channel

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