It's Okay
Hey, it's okay.
It's all going to be okay.
I know you're going through this really big thing right now and I know it's making you feel like you have to pick a side. It's the classic 'hope vs. logic' game, but don't let others fool you into thinking that your choice is wrong.
Sometimes we will go with our heart
and sometimes we will lead with our mind.
And you know what? That's perfect.
You know why?
Because you're the one who's making the choice.
Do you know more people are willing to speak out on behalf of a stranger then they are for themselves? Crazy, right?
Don't be afraid.
Before you commit, ask yourself does it feel right? And, does it feel truthful?
Don't focus on the tomorrows truth or yesterdays truth. Be with yourself in this very moment and ask yourself these two questions. As long as you can answer one, go with it. Both will lead to successes and failures. Both with lead to challenges and opportunities. You're strong enough, experienced enough, and capable enough to handle what comes after. It's all going to be okay.
Chin up, magnificent one.
-Jamie Homeister