The following is an excerpt of a spirit channel from a collective group of indigenous helping spirits I work work I’ve come to lovingly know and call ‘the Grandmothers Circle”—
“Upon your breath are the whispers
of all who collectively gather around you.
Upon your breath is the stillness of Spirit.
Of the peace that we know
and the calm that you seek.
Upon your breath,
every exhale is an opportunity to extend peace;
a will of serenity
sent out into the world
into your home
into your community
to your very self.
Upon this exhale
you can cleanse your aura
your emotional body
and change the red to white.
When your breath catches in your throat,
when your lungs seized
when you cannot take in the vital life force
that is air into your body
it is because you are feeling restricted in your life.
You are feeling restricted in your dreams
and your capabilities of being; seeing, living, knowing.
There is oppression there to be as you are and to live as you will.
Whether that oppression comes from external factors or internal,
whether that oppression is felt, sensed or seen, know this:
that oppression has to be allowed by you in some way,
therefore you are restricting your own air.
You are restricting your own way of being.
You are restricting your own dreams yourself from being free to live in the white.
And I know what you're thinking—
'but how can I live in the white if I don't know what 'the white' is?
How can I become unrestricted if I don't know where I am tying the noose?'
This is where the stillness comes in.
This is where the calm begins.
This is where you stand tall in strength,
with mercy, and grace,
This is where you are learning peace.
Exhale white.
Let it seep from your bones
and pass through your skin.
Let it permeate the air around you.
Exhale white.
Let it change your color.
Your vibration.
Your message to the day
and to the world.
Exhale white.
Know that when you do
it is not an extension of us,
it is the reflection of you;
Your purity.
Your offerings.
Your being.
Exhale white to know you.”
-Jamie Homeister