7 Pillar Exercise: A Tool for Manifestion

I blocked off the entire morning (and I do mean the *entire* morning) to carve out my intention for 2021 and redo my ‘7 Pillars’ exercise.

The 7 Pillar exercise is a powerful manifestation tool. To complete it, all you need is a pencil and paper and a generous dollop of time. The 7 Pillars represent 7 different areas of your life: Your Career, Romantic Relationships, Family Relationships, Physical Well-Being, Emotional Well-Being, Spiritual Well-being, Community Contribution/Social Relationships.

Each category gets broken down into three separate segments:

•What I have

•What I want

•What I can contribute

And you just fill out each section with your intentions.

When I looked over my 2018, 7 Pillars, I noticed that most of “What I Want” were things and experiences that I now have actually obtained. If there was anything left on the list, it didn’t really resonate with me anymore. It all truly all worked out in the best way. I learned. I grew. I expanded. And I now I move on.


- Stay away from shorthand or abbreviations. You want this to be complete as possible

- Write it all out on pen and paper. Your penmanship carries a vibration unique to your own and will help call your intentions toward you.

- Write in complete sentences and as if you already have what you’re calling in. So, for example, if you’re calling in a raise under ‘Career, what I want,’ you’d want to write something like, “I am making xx dollars more than what I make now.”

- Keep in mind this isn’t about calling in wishes. It’s to help you call in what you can back up with your physical, emotional, and mental body through dedication, work, and practice. You’re asking the Universe to show up for you, but in turn, you are asked to show up for your cause too.

- This exercise is best suited for long-haul. Think long term goals when you’re dreaming.

I’ve completed this exercise twice over the past four years (once every two years), and it has never let me down.

Ask me questions if you got em!


  • Career

    a. What I have:

    • I have a career that I feel safe and secure in.

    b. What I want:

    • I have found a position that honors my drive for serving the greater good.

    c. What I can contribute:

    • I can contribute my passion and enthusiasm for creating consumer connections.

Jamie HomeisterComment