
Hello, hello, hello!

I can’t believe this day has finally come! If you have access to this page, it’s because you have found your way to my first book, ‘Introduction to Chakragraphs: Paint Your Way Through The Subtle Bodies.’ I couldn’t be more excited to have you here! On this blog, I hope to post videos, answer questions, offer tutorials, and otherwise support you in your Chakragraph journey. Please don’t hesitate to participate. If you have a question, know that others are asking it too, and many will benefit from your speaking up! I look forward to receiving your emails, questions, and otherwise helpful comments. You can respond directly to the posts, or email me by clicking this link: jamie@jamiehomeister.com.

I really look forward to getting to know all of you and seeing the work you produce.

We’re making magic, friends!


Jamie HomeisterComment