Caress Your Heart

The following is an excerpt of a spirit channel from a collective group of indigenous helping spirits I work work I’ve come to lovingly know and call ‘the Grandmothers Circle”—

"Caress the nature of yourself, of your being. Caress your heart as if it were your child’s.
Hold yourself in that same love, that same knowing of where the goodness begins— hold yourself accountable through gentle manifestation.

Remember that a child has to be encouraged and shown the correct way to do something many times. We do not expect them to get it on the first try, no, we allow their goodness to form. We allow them the space to take shape and be crafted by many hands. By many outputs.

A boy is not formed into a man by one. It is the knowledge and experiences of many that crafts his perception of will, strength, and aptitude. Nor, a girl is not shaped into a woman by one. She taught by supporting women who help her to rise into herself.

We do not chisel away at our sons and daughters, hammering our own will into their being. We give them the allowance to stretch and shrink until they discover who they are— how they are. Why does this allowance end with youth? Why does this allowance not extend into your adult selves?

You are continually becoming more.
Growth does not stop at twenty, not even in your bodies. Even your height continues to fluctuate with the curve of your spine and strength of your shoulders, by the will of your neck and the tip of your chin. Do you understand what we are saying?

You do not lose your elasticity to learn and grow with age. You remain responsive to lessons and community. You remain responsive to your experiences.

So we ask you again, why do you not give yourself the allowance to grow? To make mistakes?

Chin up.
Spine straight.
Your experience stands within you.

-Jamie Homeister
February 28th, 2017

Jamie HomeisterComment
Anything is Possible [Spirit Channel]

"Rewards come easily to those who refuse to stay as they are. Liberation happens first from within. Intention manifests as the willing extend their desires, beginning by mere thoughts alone; if only you knew how powerful you are!

Energy is energy. A current does not change its capability mid-stream. This is why it is taught to practice positive affirmations--to be mindful of the words not just spoken, but thought to oneself. We can see no greater travesty to your futures than when you decide it simply cannot be.

As long as your feet are on the earth, clear thoughts are in your mind, and your veins rich with the blood that fuels you, anything is possible."

Spirit Channel
Channeled through Jamie Homeister

Conversations in Consciousness: Emotional Balance

The following is an excerpt of a spirit channel from a collective group of indigenous helping spirits I work work I’ve come to lovingly know and call ‘the Grandmothers Circle”—

Grandmothers Circle: “If we were to speak to you today about the trials upcoming, we would laugh and say life is as fun as you make it! We understand there are situations which cannot be approached with a jovial disposition, sometimes there are simply no laughs that can be created, but ahh.. what a joy that is in itself! To be so caught up in the range of emotions that a human can experience! One minute you're covered in a blanket of disparity and the next you're so lighthearted and with wings! We know you see this as instability but we view it as a benefit, a perk to living.”

Jamie: "But isn't the whole goal of all of this energy work to live in emotional balance?"

G.C: “We would ask you to reconsider what you're asking us. What truth are you taking in from that statement? Are you seeking emotional neutrality? To experience your life in an unwavering state? Is that harmony to you? Is that how you believe the universe to work?
Everything experiences sadness just as it experiences joy. This remains true for humans just as it does for animals as the trees. You may receive this information in a way that is different from one another but the essence of the feeling remains the same. The state of grief does not change with the exchange of hands. To be in a state of observance, to feel nothing all of the time is apathy. Where is the fun in that?

The benefits of this process, of learning stillness and embracing peace creates a reliable pathway that you can use to find happiness faster. Make no mistake, those in this world who are considered to be the happiest also hold the potential to be the saddest. They are often without things and resources. At any time, they can view their situation as limited, yet when those emotions and fears come sweeping in (and they do!), they seek the stillness to come to center so they can reclaim joy again. A life well lived isn't one who has learned how to avoid adventure, it is one who has learned how to right a capsized ship.

Sometimes life is scary.
It's lonely and disappointing.
It's frustrating and painful.
But life is also responsive.
It's exciting and rewarding; endearing and gentle.
The easiest trick to life is just that — to live.”

Jamie HomeisterComment

The following is an except of a channeled journal entry from a collective group of Spirit Guides I work with I affectionately refer to as ‘the Grandmother’s Circle’—

"The struggle [of resistance] occurs in the human psyche when the soul and the psyche are not in alignment. There’s a profound gratification that is felt when we are moving in our truth. With every step you take, you feel stronger and more in sync with the breath of your living.

If you are not steady on your feet, even the slightest hiccup in that breath can throw you off your feeling of alignment. So you struggle. You struggle to catch your breath, to get back in that same groove. But I do not know of any human who is not has not mastered their emotions feel as though they are in the exact right place at the exact right time for the whole duration of their life. So therefore, the struggle [resistance] is just a symptom of living."

-Jamie Homeister

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