Posts in mediumship
Change the Way You Live

“If this life were a dream, how would you shape it? If you could have the potential to make it anything; to be anyone; to go anywhere, how would you do it?

Limits and ceilings are all self-imposed. For the majority of us, "I can't" is really just an "I won't", for if your will is able and your health is strong, social, mental, and physical limitations are not end caps, they are stepping stones.

Our thoughts and attitude are the only thing stopping us from achieving/gaining/being what we desire. You shape your own reality. You create your own experiences. The words your mind thinks become the house your heart lives in. If you're not living in a way that makes you happy then change the way you live.”

Spirit Channel through Jamie Homeister

The Cycle of Attraction

"There are many ways in which we interpret the signs of life around us. Symbols are used by every earth walker as cues to direct and redirect your pathways and navigate through the infrastructure of choice that shapes your world. Do you stop to consider what signs and signals you're sending to others? To the universe at large?

If your thoughts are responsible for creating your reality, what you think to be true about yourself and others shapes the way you experience this dream. Consider for a moment the power of manifestation that your words hold.

To combine thought with voice connects two extraordinary gifts you possess. Like striking a match to a flame, what you speak becomes 'what is,' even if that's only subjective to the internal experience.

We can see nothing more significant to your life than your clarity of feelings. So to get ahead, to move away from the familiar rut in the road, doesn't it make sense to start there? To start changing how you perceive what's around you? To start defining how you feel and why?

The way you think shapes the way you speak.
The way you speak attracts what you experience.
What you experience influences the way you think.
Do you see this loop here? Do you see how much power you truly hold?"

Spirit Channel through Jamie Homeister

When Your Choices Bring You Back to Fear [Mediumship Channel]

“The quality of your life comes down to the choices that you make. When you are in the thick of a lesson, it may seem like you're trying to navigate through an incredibly complex infrastructure filled with one-way streets, cul-de-sacs, highways, and loop-de-loops. In reality, you only face a single fork in the road; the way that aligns with your moral compass and the way that it doesn't.

Grey areas are nothing more than 'but if's' that you create to bend the situation to your will. These will always lead back to the original path. 

At the heart of every fork is a life lesson you have requested to learn. Generally, these lessons present themselves to you as fear. Choosing the 'right' way often requires courage and responsibility. It demands your humility and taking ownership of your wrongdoings. It's not an easy feat by any means, that's why most of the time you choose the easy way for temporary escape. However, when you opt for the 'easy' way, it's like taking the scenic route on a trip you really didn't want to be on in the first place. Along the way you are made to experience everything possible about why this lesson is happening and why this choice you made didn't work. Eventually, the bus will stop and drop you off but it's always to the same fear you started with, requiring you to restart the process and make a choice again.

For those of stuck on this loop, what are you avoiding? What facet in your life is requiring bravery? Humility? Compassion? What is demanding you to do something different?

Doing the work reaps rewards and not just spiritually. Make the tough choices now so you don't have to come back to them again later.”

Mediumship Channel through Jamie Homeister

Awareness is Healing [Mediumship Channel]

"How many of you are aware of your capacity to be a miracle to another? You hold such great capability within yourselves to transform the hour, the day, or the life of another human within a single moment of interaction. How many times has your day been changed for the worst by the sour-faced cashier? How long does it stay with you when you overhear a parent act poorly to a child?

What about when there is an act of kindness that begets a genuine reaction; a platter of cookies for the office; a conversation with a lonely neighbor; returning something lost to its owner. How do these simple acts affect your spirit and heart? How long do its effects stay within you?"

You cannot shut out pain without shutting out pleasure. Kindness exists to lend magic to integrity. Simple acts of kindness are essential towards raising the vibration of the human consciousness. More times than not you will not receive the reaction you think you deserve, but don't let it stop you. Those who need your kindness do not wear badges upon their shoulder for easy identification. Allow yourself to discover the power of being a miracle. Awareness is healing."

Spirit Channel through Jamie Homeister