Jamie Homeister

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Conversations in Consciousness: Rise and We Rise With You.

The following is an excerpt of a spirit channel from a collective group of indigenous helping spirits I work work I’ve come to lovingly know and call ‘the Grandmothers Circle”—

“Hear us as we speak. Know our presence as we sit with you. Trust in our ability to lead you not to the prosperity of life that you seek, but beyond in ways unimaginable. How you limit yourself! How you close the doors that are otherwise open! We would love nothing more than to serve you if that is your true intent, and invite you to be with us regularly, remembering what it is like to be in flow with your true self– in the reflection of the Creator and all there is.

We consider serving with you the greatest honor, for through you we can see the hearts of mankind and help facilitate healing and progression of the souls who trust in you and align with your vibrational messages.
The importance of shedding,
the importance of flow,
the importance of becoming heightens as you seek to empower and discover new ways to give our old messages.

Rise, and we rise with you.
Bloom, and we bloom with you.
Weep, and we weep with you.
Truly a collective consciousness is just that— a collection of like thoughts, hearts, and minds that flow from one to the other. We are no exception.”

-Jamie Homeister