Jamie Homeister

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Tip the Scales in Your Favor [Mediumship Channel]

"Justice never came for me. It was a prize that eluded my grasp time and time again. I could not find fairness in my suffering, and it caused me a great deal of distress knowing that all I wanted—equality, resolution—it would never be mine. Upon my passing, I asked why.
Why was it to be this way?
Why was life meant to be spent in chains and shackles, burdened by the consequences of another's soul?
Why in all my attempts did I not receive justice?'

What I discovered was that martial law could usurp balance. That rouge energies are attracted to the place and space where like energy is contained. To say that I was a magnet for the experiences I didn't want would be true. As long as I held the energy within, I called them forward to me.

Sometimes in prayer, we will hear you say, 'Keep me from all evil of the world. Keep me safe and contained from all that is dark.' Yet, here you are, attracting the energy. You are coating yourself with your words and calling it to you. Instead, you should say, 'I am protected in the light. I am the light of God.' Do you see how much more preferable this is? Do you see how this changes the feeling and emotion of the words? Do you see how the calls to the light instead of calling to the dark? This is in no way suggesting you do not acknowledge the shadow side of life but I am merely showing you through my experiences and my knowledge on how to tip the scales in your favor."

Stories from the Dead
Mediumship channel through Jamie Homeister